You are not alone in your adoption journey.
Jesus is carrying you on the hardest of days and giving you an abundance of grace for the journey.
Book Launched December 11, 2018.
Purchase It on Amazon.
An Adoption Devotional from Adoptive Moms
Adopting a child is one of the most rewarding and most difficult journies you could begin. Grace for the Journey brings encouragement and Scripture from 14 adoptive moms by sharing how God moved in their own adoption journey.
During the first 10 days of preorders we offered a “Buy One – Give One” match that for each book sold in the first 10 days we would give one book to a family beginning the adoption process. Because of your generocity, we gave away 221 books to families beginning the adoption journey!

About the Book
Grace for the Journey is a year-long devotional book for adoptive moms. Written by 14 moms, this book shares stories and inspiration of how God’s grace sustains you on the journey of adoption.
Through these pages you will find comfort from God’s Word, encouragement from adoption stories, and strength to continue in your adoption calling.
Each week has five devotions and a weekly prayer and reflection page to chronicle your adoption process.
The Authors
Gina Bowling

Gina Bowling is a pastor’s wife and a homeschooling mama to two swim-loving girls and a superhero-loving boy. She is passionate about women’s ministry and seeking to point women to a greater desire for Truth and a better understanding of biblical womanhood. She loves listening to podcasts and audiobooks, reading, and chocolate. Connect with her via Facebook or Instagram.
Melody Cain

Amy Hood

Glenna Marshall

Sheila McFadden

Elizabeth Mohagen

Jennifer Morgan

Carrie O'Neal

Carrie O’Neal is a pharmaceutical sales trainer living in the Atlanta area with her husband, Michael, who is the Minister of Evangelism and Missions at their church. As the mom of two adventurous boys, she stays busy with swim meets and baseball games. She adopted her oldest son from Russia in 2008. Carrie enjoys leading Bible studies for ladies and encouraging others who are in the adoption process. You can connect with her on Instagram.
Kelly McCorkle Parkison

Trisha White Priebe

Elissa Roberts

Lindsey Stephenson

Ashleigh Thompson

Robin Waddey